Saturday, August 2, 2008

My Twilight addiction......

So since reading Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse, by Stephenie Meyer a couple months ago, I have been hooked. I could not wait for the fourth one Breaking Dawn to come out. So of course when it came out there was a midnight release party. I was the first one in line to get in to Barnes and Noble. I had borrowed them to Sarah so she could read them and be as obsessed as I was, and also so I would have someone to talk to about it. Chris smiles and nods like he is supposed to, but he just doesn't get it. So we spent about three hours waiting for this book, I dragged Kellie and Mindy with me, and Sarah brought her friend Suzanne. It was a lot of fun. We played games, which our team won, took lots of pictures and just enjoyed the atmosphere of people as obsessed as we are. Also thanks to Kellie for hanging out with us with a bunch of crazy people when she didn't even buy the book. It was nice to have her there to make fun of people with me...


Mindy biting me
Sarah & I
Here we are playing a twilight game
Suzanne, Sarah & I with our new books

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