Monday, June 27, 2011

Fun family weekend

Well this last weekend was a blast! Friday night Lee and Malynn came to stay with us. We BBQ'ed, chicken for dinner and had corn on the cob and huge green salads. Sooo much food. We were all soooo full, but I still made a big pan of bean dip, but that wasn't enough so we went for a ride and rented some movies. We went to Smith's and bought all kinds of ridiculous junk food as well. Lee bought a huge bag of taffys. We bought drinks and ice cream bars, and the fixings for Malynn to make her famous french toast cassorole. We had quite the adventure at Smith's.

We came home and pumped up our air mattress and put it in the floor so we could comfortably watch movies, since my couch upstairs is super small and the basement is still a wreck so we can't use the couches yet. It was so fun like a big slumber party. We were all soooo full and it had been a long day and we started the movie late. We are all old cause I fell asleep and woke up at one point during the movie and we were all passed out. What I did see of the movie was great though. I had so much fun at our little slumber party. Then the next day Malynn and Lee made us breakfast since we had made them dinner, a nice yummy breakfast that I didn't have to cook... I'll take it. LOL

Saturday after our glorious breakfast we headed up to Franklin Idaho to visit Sue and Roy. They do a craft show up thier every year for Idaho days. Its such a beautiful drive up through Logan, its about an hour and a half but seems so short cause you get lost in the scenery. We had a fun little visit with Sue and Roy as always. Sue also made me an adorable quilt for the baby, it was white and lime green fleece, sooo cute. Love those guys wish we could see them more often.

Sunday was pretty eventful for me. Chris was working at home, and I was going through every room in our house and pulling stuff out for yardsale. Man I feel like I weeded through a lot of stuff. It feels great to clean out and get rid of stuff I have just hung onto. I went through my books, which for me is hard, I am then type that loves having books around. they are comforting for me. My mom had bookshelves full of books, and so did my grandpa. So all my favorite childhood places had tons of books. But I managed to think objectivly and get rid of books, I didn't want to read, didn't like, or would just never read again. Honestly I got rid of quite a few, which is great cause I just bought a new series at the used bookstore a couple weeks back and was wondering where I was gonna put em. Plenty of room now. I also went through my movies again, went through my jewlery, I had jewelry from like Jr high all my chokers and such, never gonna wear em agian need to get rid of stuff. I did about 6 boxes of stuff and marked them all. I still have quite a bit to go through though... I have a ton of clothes I need to wash fold and mark. Also we have a huge pile in the garage I need to go through, but it was stacked high and heavy and I couldn't do it by myself so I have to wait for chris on that one. But I finally decided on a date we are gonna have our yardsale on July 8th and 9th.

We put our old dryers (yes plural.. long story) and the old cabinets in our house on KSL last night. I am hoping to get them all sold, make a little money to finish our basement. We need to relay the carpet, frame and drywall the laundry room and tile it. But then if we can make some good money at our yardsale man alive we can have the basement finished, the pantry finished and get the paint and beadboard for the babies room. I don't want to get too ahead of myself but we havc a ton of yarsale stuff and good stuff too. Margie donated a lot of her stuff some of it still brand new and in packages. I have a few things like this as well. I think it will do pretty good. I am not sure where to advertise though. we really need to do well though to fund getting our projects finished. fingers crossed.

One last thing I did on Thursday that was super exciting. I sold my old sewing machine last Wednesday, and took that money and found an awesome dresser on KSL that I can repaint to match the nursery furniture and bought that and still had money left over. It's prefect cause that dresser has the perfect measurements for a changing pad. So since I can't condone spending so much on a changing table that you probly won't use for very long. I can still use the dresser for a changing table then use the dresser for a long time after that. I can't wait to prime it and get it ready for chris to paint. I can prime it but I can't spray paint it. Spray paint will hold up better than regular paint in a kids room, I think, but since I am prego I am limited on what I can do. But I am gonna take the wood knobs and have Chris spray them and make them look like metal hardware till we can afford nicer hardware and I think its a great start. Our crib has been on backorder for a couple months but its coming in stock on the 5th of July so hopefully we can finally get it. I am so excited for all the things that lie ahead. Also Chris's 30th birthday is this coming weekend, July 2nd, the same day as my Grapo's. If that's not fate I don't know what is. LOL. I feel bad that we are poor and can't really do anything for his birthday. I am gonna make him cupcakes and a dinner and invite his fam over. Hopefully that will be an okay birthday. I hate that money is o tight, but hopefully things will get better soon. Well better go for now.

Love this pic cause you can see my baby bump

awe so sweet.. my other parents

Chris making the paste for the French toast cassorole and getting mugged

Making the paste for the cassorole still

A good cheesy picture...Lee is chewing...and Myn looks decievingly innocent

our air matress slumber party..

Lee's huge bag of taffy

Myn and Lee

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Its a Girl!!!

Okay well we are not 100 %. But at my last appointment he said I am pretty sure you're having a girl but I won't tell you 100 % until your next visit. But Chris and I have thought it was a girl from the beginning so I am thinking it probly really is. But I guess we will find out 100% on July 12. Either way I am so super excited for this baby. I cannot wait to meet her or possibly him I guess.

So this last week I have been soo sick. It sucks being sick when your pregnant, cause you really can't take anything for it. I have had a sinus infection, and where I really am not big on taking medicine and I have a pretty high pain tolerance, I have been miserable. I would have killed for Nyquil and Mucinex. Nyquil is just soothing when your sick.. but no soothing for me. I can't even take Emergency.. Love that stuff. The only thing I have been able to take is Tylenol, and I have been doing a sinus rinse 3 times a day, which let me tell you has been soo gross. Without it though, I so wouldn't even be where I am at in the getting better process. Until yesterday I really haven't slept a whole lot or good for about a week. Yesterday after about 1.5 hours of sleep I called in to work. There was no way I was going to make it through a 10 hour day with the way I felt and no sleep. I was at that phase where you're uncomfortable, you have the heebie jeebies, you're in pain, your emotional from sleep deprivation and all you can do is cry which makes things worse. Then I laid down round 9 and slept till almost 2. Almost 5 hours, and it was amazing. I slept hard I didn't even move from where I fell asleeep. I woke up soaked though.. when pregnant if you sleep under covers and don't move around or push the covers off you wake up wet I have found. But man I felt like a million bucks. Almost 5 hours of sleep not interupted with whimpers, choking, coughing, or gaggingor feeling like I swallowed a hot poker. It was bliss. And I am starting to sound less like a man when I talk, plus I can actually talk.

Anyways enough of being sick, I am so excited! I finished my quilt I was talking about a while back. The one carla gave me the pieces to. It turned out pretty good for my very first quilt ever. Working with bias tape for the firt time was interesting too.. let me tell you. But I will put the pictures below. It's so warm and snuggly too becuase of the fleece back. I love it. Plus boy or girl it will still be a great blanket. I am doing the nursery in green and brown, but even though this blanket in none of those colors you will always need a ton of blankets.

Here is one shot of it.. in fours..

here it is spread out in half. I love the bright colors and how they all look so good together...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

So much to do, So little time and money...

Well I am done with school for the summer. I am excited to catch up on some reading and relaxing. There are so many summer projects Chris and I have planned or going. We need to finish the laundry room in the basement. Then once I don't have to hike over the grand canyon I can go to my craft/sewing room and work on the many projects I need to accomplish before summer is over. I call it the grand canyon cause there is a trench down the middle of our family room from the laundry room to the mechanical room where they laid pipe for the new drain. the concrete is still dug up and its a nightmare down there really. But the good news is its almost done. They just need to repour the concrete, then they can start framing and drywalling. Then once we put tile down we can move the washer and dryer down there. I am just excited to clean. It is an unbelievable mess. dust from sawing the concrete is everywhere. Then they will patch up the holes in the cieling in the guest room and we can finally move the guest room back downstairs. As of now the bed is in the baby's room.

Once we move the guest room back downstairs we can start on the baby's room. I am so excited. We created a couple registries for baby stuff already and that made me super excited. I know its early still but I wanted to see what all babies needed for must haves and all the things in between. I am hoping chris and I can put 100 dollars each month into buying stuff for the baby so we are stocked up and ready to go when it arrives. It may seem hard to do all of this already since we won't learn the sex of the baby until next week, assuming it cooperates. But I already know my colors. Green and brown. I am not a pink person if its a girl and really not a blue person if its a boy. so I figure that is a happy medium and they have so many sweet cute things in those colors.

After the laundry room is finished and the guest room moves back downstairs, We are using the laundy closet in our kitchen for a new pantry. So we will build new shelves in it and have way more room and way easier access. Then eventually we will put french doors on it to give a homier feel. Also we are using our now pantry for small appliances and all my pans and dishes that are now stored in the cabinets We are trying to sell that were in the soon to be laundry room and the garage. So many plans so little time and money. We would have had the alundry room done already had we not had to step back and rebudget again first. Things have been super tight lately. I just can't wait until my basement is no longer chaos. I miss my comfy couch. LOL. Plus I am dying to clean downstairs... I hate dust and the carpet is gross where they have tracked dirt and dust everywhere.... Plus my mantle is coverd in dust... The little OCD in me is going crazy.

I am excited to be able to work in my craft room though. technically I could now. But where the basement is all closed off and seems desolate due to construction it kinda gives me the heebie jeebies. I mean I am in a little corner room with about three doors between me and the upstairs, what f I cut a finger of or sew it to something. My husband is deaf when I am sitting right next to him, I would hate to think about an emergency that tucked away. I know sounds irrational. Just gives me the heebie jebbies as I said before.

At any rate for my birthday Carla had given me a crib size batting for a quilt and some funky quilt pieces to make a quilt. I have all the squares cut and pinned and my pattern drawn and measured. I am super excited to start sewing it, and finally use my new machine I got for my birthday. Plus I finally found the last color I wanted for my owl quilt. So I need to cut those squares and finish that quilt. I made matching pillow cases for that already, and I decided since the quilt will be our TV blanket I want to make a matching one for the baby. I have more than enough material for it. When it was on sale I got like 8 yards just for the quilt and I already had the two yards for my pillow cases. Seems overboard but it is adorable material. Now I just need the space to lay out queen sized quilt batting and figure out how many squares and the pattern I like so I can make sure I have enough cut. But I need my living room space that is under construction for that. Also there is furniture hanging out in my craft room becuase of the construction. Blah... I have so many patterns for things I can make for the babies room I am so excited to make them. I am going to make the bedding and curtains, and the bumpers and the dust ruffle for the crib. I have somany aspirations, we will see how many I get done, thinking about them all makes me want to take a nap. LOL

I am randomly going on and on, but the point is this is what we are busy with and working on. I am wanitng to get all my stuff gone through as we are going to have a big yard sale and have so much to put in it. And the money earned will be going towards our basement/pantry/ baby room fund. And hopefully we can get them all finished before the fall. Also today is Chris and I's 3 year anniversary. WOW, seems like yesterday but at the same time so long ago. Its funny cause our 6 year anniversary of being together came and went on May 8th, and about 5 days later we were like wait a minute, neither one of us remembered. funny how life gets so crazy and when you slow down for a minute you realize you missed something. LOL. Since we are doing an anniversary on a budget, I am making homemade pizza pockets for dinner and Chris is making homemade ice cream for desert. I still think its just being together that makes the day. Well I will write again when we find out the sex of the baby. I am so excited. I have a hunch its a girl, I have always thought I would have a girl first, but I could be wrong so we will see if I have been calling it the wrong name all this time. Until next week.