Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Wow, been a crazy busy weekend and week. I have never done so much history in my life. I literally did Psychology homework all day friday, then history homework Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.. and barley finished after 10 last night. Man this semester so far is brutal. I have actually had to make myself a calendar this semester with a plan to keep myself on track. I plan to read for an hour each night, from one of the three classes depending on the due date and homework.

On a brighter note, I am taking a day off from homework this Saturday. We are going up to the Unitas with Minday, Alex, Echo, and I think Autumn, John and Landon. We are going to do family pictures. I think that will be a total blast, do some tin foil dinners hang out and take pics. I am having Mindy withdrawls, and need a fix, its been a couple weeks. GASP! Fall leaves should be changing in the Uintas and it will be a beautiful drive. I am excited. Need a break for a day or two, brain is turning to mush I fee like. I am starting to dream about my homework...never a good sign. LOL.

I got my new coolpix camera on Monday, my late birthday present. I LOVE it. I ordered the plum colored one. I am so excited to have a convienent camera. I love my Nikon Digital SLR don't get me wrong, but I feel as though I am carrying a photo booth around sometimes. This one fits so neatly and cute into my purse. It has video on it too, and I have already got a video of Louee chittering to himself. He is definatly unique. I am also excited that I got an amazing deal on photoshop and got a sale price of more than half off, because I already have elements. Because, well, lets face it there is no way I could ever buy that for full price, or even half price. It 's pricey. That should be arriving any day now, and I cannot wait to play with it. Just aren't enough hours in my day sometimes. LOL. Mindy should be a big help, she has elements too, and has taught herself some pretty cool tricks that she is showing me. Definatly a learning curve on photoshop.

The house is coming along. Chris got the basement painted, well the first coat anyways, and it looks absolutly amazing, he is doing a wonderful job. The color is perfect, it made our fireplace pop, and warmed up the room a lot. I am so excited to be done with painting and get everything all the way unpacked. We have nothing on our walls or sheleves, and have not decorated anywhere. The only rooms that are semi finished are my craft room, Chris's office, and the guest bathroom. We were going to have a yardsale once we moved, but decided to hold off until we finished everything inside, thinking I didn't want to get rid of something then find out I could have used it. This way its easier to weed out after.

Lately, I have been in contact with an old friend. It has been nice after many years to visit and chat. I have missed her a lot, and it is wierd how it has been almost 6 years and we picked up like we never missed a beat. I guess that's the thing with true friendships, you are still a part of each other even if you don't know it. So to this friend. "Hey Wedding singer... ooowwoooooooo!" :D

Fall is coming, and I couldn't be more excited. I love fall!! I love decorating in fall for Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas... Its all up hill from here. LOL. I am a nerd. I love baking around the fall and holidays. I love making yummy comfort foods that taste so good in the fall when it starts to get cooler, and now I get to make them in my very own kitchen. Can't wait! Well thought I would take a moment out of my hectic schedule and write.

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