Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Louee and the "bump"

Monday we had our targeted ultrasound. She went through and checked all the parts of the baby and if and how they were developing, like the chambers of the heart and organs and limbs. Everything looks great. Rhylee was so not a happy girl though, she was all over the place and getting mad. She is laying breach, so her head is up by my ribs and she puts her feet up by her head and her hands behind her knees, and she kicks my ribs. I was really sore after the ultrasound cause they push so hard getting into all the depth of the ultrasound, so I was hurting already and Rhylee was pissed the rest of the day and was kicking me like no other. She is so cute though, we got a couple good shots of her face. I can't wait to meet our little munchkin.

The lady doing the ultrasound asked Chris who do people tell you that you look like? and he just smiled and she said "Keifer Sutherland" He's like yep... she is like its uncanny. Then we we walked out she tell all the girls at the front desk and the nurses standing there and they are all checking him out and smiling and saying yea I see it, he was sooo red. It was funny. He gets that all the time.

So after the ultra sound we needed to take our 21 week pic. Well that was a story in itself. I will tell it, and show it with pictures:

okay so Louee loves jumping up and rubbing the belly. Chris is standing there and Louee jumps up and is snuggling the bump so sweetly for like 2 minutes, and I am asking Chris "did you get the pic? did you get it? Chris??? CHRIS?!!!!" yea he missed it he was texting, and tuning out the wife (as usual) He's like make him do it again. RIGHT. kids and cats don't do things twice, you have to get the picture the first time, by then Louee is in the floor with his ears laid back looking at both of us like "not on your life, I'm down and done, the moment has passed" So I was upset cause it would have been the cutest pic.
So then Chris is all flustered cause I am upset the cat won't come and he drops the camera.. so he bends down to pick it up just as it goes off.. Funny pic though....

So then Tuesday night Louee was feeling lovable again, it comes and goes with him. He is a Louee he does what Louee's do. Whatever that is. But it was sweet...

Another cute shot

This one was just funny, I'm surprised it didn't break Chris's back. Louee is a big boy, as you can see by the picture... I think his parents were dog and polar bear...

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